Now practice fractions anywhere! We have fractions math teaching resources optimized for cell phones. Access Mr. Martini's Classroom Fractions page using your smartphone and you will automatically go to a special fractions for cell phones page. We have addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication flash cards optimized for Android and other smartphones.
Press here to CLOSE XInstructions for Fractions
Practice solving fractions with math student and teacher resources. Click on a box in the middle column to select the type of online fraction practice you would like to do. You can practice solving fractional equivalents, solving fraction greater than or less than problems, simplifying fractions to their lowest terms, adding fractions, dividing fractions, or multiplying fractions. Each fraction math problem will have its own set of instructions, but they all will change color when they are correct. When doing fraction addition, fraction division, or fraction multiplication, the answer must be simplified to be correct. Click on the fraction problem, press the ENTER or RETURN key, or click on the reset problem button to reset the online fraction problem.
Click on the check mark at the bottom to keep score! You can choose the number of problems by clicking up and down by the 25 default.
After you think you've correctly solved the fraction problem, reset it. Please note the fraction math problem will not change color when it is keeping score in the challenge mode. Each time you reset the problem, the left counter increases for each correct answer; the right counter counts the number of problems you've done.
If the answer isn't right, the correct answer will display to the right of the counter when you reset the problem. When you're done, your score will be shown on the screen. When you're done practicing, challenge yourself with an online fraction quiz.
Click the math teacher's apple to return to the fractions home page.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Click a Box in the Middle Column for Fractions Math Practice